The Green Industry RMK12 MyHIJAU Project is a continuation of the implementation of the MyHIJAU Program under the Ministry of Environment and Water (KASA) and the Malaysian Green Technology and Climate Change Corporation (MGTC) which is a coordinator agency and secretariat for the program. This program has been approved by the National Green Technology and Climate Change Council (MTHPI) which was held on 23 October 2012. This is one of the Government’s initiatives in the development of Green Technology in Malaysia. It is in line with the implementation of the National Green Technology Policy as well as the direction of Sustainable Consumption & Production (SCP) to encourage local manufacturers, producers and suppliers, especially companies and businesses of Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs). In addition, it will also focus on the Government’s initiatives and direction in the development of the country’s SMEs.

The development of the Green Practice Guidelines is to provide guidance to the green industry in implementing green practices at the initial stage, during and after construction is implemented. These Guidelines also have an implementation direction to ensure that these Guidelines will continue to be referred to and adopted by all parties to assist in achieving the government’s goal to implement green development in Malaysia. This green practices guideline can help the industry sector to have the potential to venture into the field of green technology, especially in the production of green products and services as well as increase encouragement to the industry manufacturers, manufacturers and suppliers to apply green technology in organisations, production processes and operations.

This green practice guidelines development program is able to play a very important role in being a catalyst to ensure that these guidelines are more practical and applicable to all parties in the green industry, especially in the Construction, Mining, Manufacturing, Agriculture & Plantation, Fisheries, Forest Operations, Services and Livestock sectors either directly or indirectly for local companies and businesses to gain Green Practices recognition.

Green Industry RMK12 MyHIJAU is an implementation of a project to improve the Green Industry sector in Malaysia. Where it involves several programs such as the development of Green Industry Guidelines, preparation of Training Modules, organization of Course Training Sessions and performance monitoring. The objective of this annual program is to add 10,000 registered green products and services with MyHIJAU Mark recognition to be listed in the MyHIJAU Directory and to encourage 2,000 local companies and businesses to obtain Green Industry recognition by 2025.

Therefore, the objective of the training session is to focus on participants with a clear understanding of the importance of green practices in business and processes, understand more about the benefits of green technology, be able to differentiate and understand different terminology and understand the relationship between processes of each sector as well as methods of measuring the impact on carbon emissions and climate change. It will also feature programme which aims to create more local green products and services that are manufactured, supplied or provided by Malaysian local business and to facilitate in the development of green products and services.

Training Sessions

To participate in the Training Sessions, you may send an email to the PICs in the contact section below.

Guideline to View or Download

Green Practices Guideline for Manufacturing Sector
Green Practices Guideline for Construction
Green Practices Guideline for Mining
Green Practices Guideline for Services

Green Practices Guideline for Forest Operation
Green Practices Guideline for Agriculture
Green Practices Guideline for Fisheries

Green Practices Guideline for Livestock

Should you require further information, kindly contact

The Person In Charge #1 of Green Practices :
Position : Senior Executive
Name : Ms. Azlina Bte Hashim
Email :

The Person In Charge #2 of Green Practices :
Position : Executive
Name : Mr. Muhammad Faiz Bin Abdul Rahman
Email :

The Person In Charge #3 of Green Practices :
Position : Assistant Executive
Name : Ms. Nur Amalina Bte Hasanudin
Email :