Government Green Procurement (GGP) is defined as procurement of products, services and works that take into account environmental criteria and standards for protecting the environment and natural resources and minimize or mitigate the negative effects of human activities. The 11th Malaysian Plan has stated the target for 20% GGP by 2020.

The implementation of GGP at the 12 ministries and their agencies in 2016 have resulted to cumulative value of GGP amounting RM482Million, with cumulative CO2 emission reductions of 100.431 ktonnes. Below are the top 5 GGP implementing agencies:

1) Ministry of Defense (MinDef)
2) Ministry of Health (MoH)
3) Ministry of Home Affairs (MOHA)
4) Ministry of Rural and Regional Development (KKLW)
5) Ministry of Urban Wellbeing, Housing and Local Government (KPKT);

In 2017, GGP implementation has been expanded to all government agencies with requirement for each ministry to incorporate green specification in the procurement of GGP product groups.

The progress of GGP can be shown as milestone below:

And the product group development can be shown as below:

If you would like to seek more information, please download GGP Guideline version 3.0 (updated 21 January 2021).